Introduction to The Higher Jihad of Love. Just be Love.

Hi All! Welcome and congratulations for accessing this website. If what you find here resonates with your heart, you are well on the way to being freed from living in this world of illusion. Why “Just Be Love”? It is an acronym for Joyfully Unite Share Trust Beautiful Eternal Love and the word Love is Love, Only Victory Ensues. The founder of this website wanted a “ mantra” or a chant for people to be able to use anywhere or at any time to raise their spirits and their vibrations to levels that impact positively on themselves and the rest of creation. It was inspired to him and can be chanted for oneself (I AM Love), a group (We Are Love) or (They Are Love) or even for countries to channel them positive energies by affirming the truth with joy. The essence of the message of this website is to remind our transitory human adoptive selves that our true nature is of pure, perfect, loving, lovable and loved, immortal and eternal spiritual beings, who have chosen to experience and contribute to in a positive way, with the Creator, to the expansion of the illusion we call creation. Every thought, feeling, word or deed that we entertain signifies a positive or a negative contribution on our parts to the expansion of the process of creation and also our own personal experiences. We are 100% responsible for our choices and by choosing to Just Be Love, we can cancel the negative energies of the past, choices that keep us bound to the cycles of reincarnation until the energetic debt is paid. God or the Original Creator is pure unconditional love. oneness, beingness, okeness and peace and as God’s image and likeness we are identical holographically. The main and significant difference between us and God is the scale of impact on creation as God is the sum total of all the consciousness that drives creation. The songs on this website were inspired to the founder – both the lyrics and the melodies. They may elicit negative responses from some visitors to this site especially if they tenaciously hold on to the belief that other people cause them to get upset – an excellent tactic of the victim blame game. However as these messages are held up to the light of truth, one will, by logic and experience, begin to feel liberated from many misconceptions based on social, ethnic, religious or even some so called scientific sources. The freedom experienced will reflect in more harmonious choices being made and people taking full responsibility for their choices hence producing better outcomes in health, relationships and finances for themselves, with an overflow effect to all people and situations they have contact with. It also contributes to an overall improvement in the vibratory frequency of our dear physical mother Gaia. Please feel free to share your experiences of what worked or did not work for you so that other visitors can learn and grow faster Please feel free to use the following Creed to guide your choices to achieve your spiritual liberation.


1) The source of all creation is unconditional love, which is omnipotent omnipresent and omniscient.

2) I AM a spiritual, immortal, holographic replicate of the Source with a specific life purpose in each incarnation in this and/or other worlds.

3) I become more aware of my true nature as I live the teachings of way showers such as Lord Buddha, Jesus the Christ, Krishna, Zoroaster and other sages.

4) I experience my oneness with all creation as I live with unconditional love, wisdom and harmony towards all I encounter in my daily life,

5) I choose to participate in the divine plan of love and harmony with unconditional love, joy gratitude and peace towards all I encounter on my life journey.

If you benefit from this website and feel this message can help others please share it. Also please feel free to donate money to my PayPal address so that the website can be improved and the message transalated so that we can get more people choosing Love instead of fear and raise the overall vibration of our planet Gaia to Love or above.


I commit to recite and/or chant either or both of 'The Daily Invocation' and 'The Great Invocation' to benefit myself, all people and all creation.

“The Great Invocation”

From the point of light within the mind of God,
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the heart of God,
May love stream forth into the hearts of men,
May Christ return to Earth.
From the centre, where the will of God is known,
Let purpose guide the little wills of men,
The purpose, which the masters know and serve.
From the centre of that we call the race of man,
Let the plan of love and light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let light, love and power restore the plan on Earth.

“A Daily Invocation”

May the infinite unconditional love from the heart of the Creator God
Saturate the hearts of all people especially their leaders
And manifest in all they think and feel. I pray God's love guides all that I think and feel.
May the infinite knowledge and wisdom from the mind of the Creator God
Penetrate the minds of all people, especially their leaders
And manifest in all they say and do. I pray God's Wisdom guides all that I say and do.
May the infinite peace and harmony of the spirit of the Creator God
Reign in all people and all creation, especially their leaders
And manifest in all they think feel say and do.
I pray peace/harmony guide all I think, feel, say and do.
May love, wisdom, peace and harmony, reign in all people and all creation
The call compels the answer! We reap what we sow!
Our choices create all that happens to us!
I pray love, wisdom, peace, guide all to live in harmony!


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For people residing in between Great Britain and Iran, Russia and South Africa, including nearby islands.

For people residing between Pakistan and the Phillipines, Russia and China in the North, and Australia and New Zealand in the South