My Audio Projects

These last five songs are summed up by the title "We R 1!" because all creation, both living and non living originated from the same Source, the 1, and are different temporary expressions of Source. Lead and I Will Follow is a great prayer to Source for everyone. The other songs indicate positive attitudes and healing paths for problems. They reaffirm our true identity as eternal spirit, our oneness and how to achieve personal harmony. Both the words and the rythms are uplifting.

The songs in this CD, Happy People = Happy World were inspired to the author over a number of years as he battled with a medical condition called Gender Dysphoria - an unclear gender identity. They refer to different life circumstances from babyhood - The Lullaby - to love, marriage, gratitude, health, goal setting and achieving and basically the choice to be happy and loving to ourselves and other people including nature.Each such choice increases the sum total of happiness in the world directly and by influencing others positively, even over great distances.This occurs because we are all one as the consciousness and or awareness of the source of all creation. They will cheer you up and uplift you.

Just Be Love is an acronym for Joyfully Unite Share Trust Beautiful Eternal Love, and love is Love Only Victory Ensues. This is an affirmation that encompasses all the songs on this CD. They were inspired to the author  over several years. Some were inspired after reading spiritual books or while doing healing courses. Others were inspired by daily life circumstances. The essential message of the majority is to choose the path of love because we reap what we sow and by sowing love, we can only reap love and return to our basic nature, which is love. Besides, by sowing love we benefit all of creation by adding to the goodness in the world. Listening to these songs, which are based on absolute truth, nurtures our Spirits, minds and body.

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